Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Things in California that are not Chez Panisse

{Looking back at the bridge from the ferry on the way to Tiburon}

{The amazing farmer's market at the old Ferry building, now a really nice marketplace. The oyster po' boy is becoming a tradition.}

{A creepy-pretty mural}

{Language of the Birds: Words on the ground that fell out of books hanging from the streetlights directly above. Just up the hill from City Lights Bookshop.}

{Pretty signs on Polk Street, after brunch at an adorable little cafe that turned out to be a huge chain. Why don't we have one of those on every corner?}

photo by K Hellyer via yatzer
{Another public piece by Brian Goggin called Defenestration. Good title. My favorite is the grandfather clock.)

photo by R. R. Jones
{A Midsummer Night's Dream at Shakespeare Santa Cruz: the most delightful Shakespeare production I've seen in ages, and the first play I ever did at school (I played Demetrius).}

{At a sunny little spot in Santa Cruz}

I know everyone jokes when they go on vacation about never coming back and living the life of a permanent tourist. I believe no one really wants this, but it is liberating to remember that not every worthwhile experience is just beyond your front stoop. Yes, even New Yorkers.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so fantastic. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog!
