{The amazing farmer's market at the old Ferry building, now a really nice marketplace. The oyster po' boy is becoming a tradition.}
{A creepy-pretty mural}
{A creepy-pretty mural}
{Language of the Birds: Words on the ground that fell out of books hanging from the streetlights directly above. Just up the hill from City Lights Bookshop.}
{Pretty signs on Polk Street, after brunch at an adorable little cafe that turned out to be a huge chain. Why don't we have one of those on every corner?}
photo by K Hellyer via yatzer
{Another public piece by Brian Goggin called Defenestration. Good title. My favorite is the grandfather clock.)
photo by R. R. Jones
{A Midsummer Night's Dream at Shakespeare Santa Cruz: the most delightful Shakespeare production I've seen in ages, and the first play I ever did at school (I played Demetrius).}
{At a sunny little spot in Santa Cruz}
photo by K Hellyer via yatzer
{Another public piece by Brian Goggin called Defenestration. Good title. My favorite is the grandfather clock.)
photo by R. R. Jones
{A Midsummer Night's Dream at Shakespeare Santa Cruz: the most delightful Shakespeare production I've seen in ages, and the first play I ever did at school (I played Demetrius).}
{At a sunny little spot in Santa Cruz}
I know everyone jokes when they go on vacation about never coming back and living the life of a permanent tourist. I believe no one really wants this, but it is liberating to remember that not every worthwhile experience is just beyond your front stoop. Yes, even New Yorkers.
These pictures are so fantastic. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog!