Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In-Betweeny Baking

It used to ruffle me when people allowed their moods to change completely depending on the weather. Now it seems, however, that I am one of those people. When mere wisps of clouds momentarily obscure the summer sun, I feel all productive feelings drain out me; I am ready to resign the day and lock myself indoors for a day of baking and all things Austen.

So what to do in balmy June when the grey skies throb with the threat of rain and one doesn't particularly feel like making anything crispy and cold and featuring cilantro?

Today was such a day, and it also happened to be a use-up-what's-in-the-pantry day, as we are shamefully suspended at the co-op (not that shamefully, actually). I came across a little sack of Bob's Red Mill 10-Grain Hot Cereal, left months ago by a visiting friend. As I am still developing my thing for grains and learning how to use them best, I decided -- and here comes the not-very-exciting part -- to make the muffin recipe right from the back of the bag. I also got to use our leftover buttermilk which, apparently, never goes bad. The addition of summer fruit takes the winter-comfort-food edge off.

I realized halfway through the process, however, that I do not actually own muffin pans. Then I spotted the silicon cannele molds, remnants of J.'s short-lived obsession with recreating the little heaven-cakes we had in Paris. The shape is like a miniature bundt cake, skinny and fluted. I loved the idea of a slim, elegant muffin with no mushroom top. The state of muffins in this country is getting out of control, and I'd like to think I'm doing my part. Nobody needs the crumby monstrosities you see nowadays. There, I said it.

The only dilemma is, do you serve it rounded side up like a little cake, or pretty bottom-up as you would a cannele?

And don't forget that the fruit and moisture will sink to the bottom, so don't just go by the top when you are checking for doneness. I like mine a little soft on the bottom, though.

10-Grain Muffins

1 large egg
1/2 c. sugar
1/3 c. butter
1 c. unbleached white flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 c Bob's Red Mill 10 Grain Hot Cereal*
1 1/4 c. buttermilk
[1 1/4 c. berries or diced fruit, optional]
*A medley of pretty much every grain you can think of. I assume substitutes would work here.

Mix 10 cereal and milk. Allow to stand for 10 minutes while preheating oven and assembling other ingredients: cream sugar, butter and egg together. Add dry ingredients and milk mixture. Stir only until mixed. [Fold in fruit.] Spoon into greased muffin pan. Bake at 400*F for 15 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fast French

It is 10am on the day you have a lunch date with your fabulous hostess (and fellow francophile) friend. You are in charge of bringing a delicious picnic. What ingredient will ensure ease in both cooking and transportation while being delicious and sophisticated? If you said frozen puff pastry, you are correct.

I may be entering a tart phase. I landed home from the store an hour before my date and ended up with this beauty. My only mistake was letting the pastry roll into whatever shape it felt like, which ended up being too long for any container and for my bike basket. The diagonally-laid asparagus, however, was my stroke of genius.

Pack some mixed greens, a jam jar of vinaigrette with homemade mayonnaise, and a couple pain au chocolat, and you have a picnic. Recipe from Everyday Food.